Make a Subject Access Request

If you wish to make a subject access request to Nexus and find out what information is held about you, you need to:

Put your request in writing by sending:

You will need to include:

  • your full names and names you have been known by

  • your date of birth

  • your address, telephone number and email address

  • state the records you require or the Adviser you have dealt with

When your records are ready we will contact you to make an appointment to attend our office with:

  • proof of address (driving licence, utility bill or an official letter dated in the last 3 months)

  • proof of identity (preferably photo ID such as a passport or photo driving licence)

If you are unable to attend our offices in person you will need to supply the original proofs of address & ID to us instead.

Please note:

  • We have to verify your identity before we release any information. We may refuse your request if we are unable to confirm your identity.

  • If you are applying on behalf of another family member we will need their written consent and proof of ID and may need to meet them, or a copy of a Power of Attorney covering the records your are requesting.

For enquiries about the process please email: or call 01278 439494.

Please Click here to read the Nexus IFA Privacy Notice